Thursday, October 11, 2007

June 26, 2007

So I got a new e-mail, you can use this one from now on, but I will still check my other one. Aaah! So I´m here in Canasticas, my Zone is San Cristopal, my new Conpañera is Hna Robertson :D She is awesome! She sings and is really excited to have her first ´Gringo companion haha. It´s gonna be great down here in the heat and the stink. yay! I did get all your e-mails but I only had time to copy them out so I could read them later. sorry! not time to reply, but the biggest news is just that I´m here. Yay! There is a letter heading your way that says what happened yesterday in more detail. Also a map and a pic of my comp. :) Things are good, I just need some time to ge used to things...theres´no time to breathe! just need to eventually collect my thoughts that are scattered all on the floor :D woo-hoo! sure is a roller-coaster. I will try to keep you informed on everything goin´ on here, eventually... in time my routine will be as smooth as buttuh... ;D
Thanks to all for your e-mails, sorry I can´t get to them yet, but it will be a joy to read them this week! no time to proofread... gotta split! I´m havin a great time! ;D
Hna Benson
Love you Mom and Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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