Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 23, 2008 Pictures A


boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stu...
jk ... Photos!

- old comp, Hna Delgado, flys home tomorrow *sniff*
- New comp! Hna Carlsen, a sweetheart! from AZ as well

- Mario - letsa-go!

- new house =D

- we cleaned the old house. I sang a lot, the rooms echoed really awesomely.

- fun group of kids that got baptized just before I go here. fun bunch

- octrich face.

- simple pleasures of life...

PS. Mel, yes, I can see your blog pics. You're all so CUTE!! Thanks! adn Mattew Ball, I didn{t get thos attatchments, send them another way so I can open them. thx!

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